Anyone has an issue of needing to sit on the toilet bowl for at least 30 mins every morning?

I am too used to using my phone while doing my morning biz. This habit makes me hog the toilet for a good 30 mins and causing a queue to use the toilet in the morning. 我不想的!

At my parent’s place there is only one sitting toilet where everyone uses except my mum who still prefer the squatting one at the kitchen. You know the old hdbs… I seriously hate the morning toilet queue situation.

My sis wakes up about the same time as me and we will be eyeing the toilet, like who finishes the breakfast faster wins! If I finished first, she will tell me to keep my usage duration to 20 mins hor. Damn! I cannot be given a fixed timing when it comes to pooping. Stress will cause me to constipate. Arghhhh!!! Anyone like me?

I wonder how I solve this toilet situation when I return to work in April? 🤔

@msmin @onewayticket About not bringing in my phone. Hmm i tried leh… Staring into the blank space and doing nothing while waiting for the feeling to come doesnt quite work as well. That is unless I happen to have a stomachache that morning. I need to do sthg while I 酝酿感觉。😆😆😆

Talking about piles, bingo! I got quite a few due to bad toilet habits. 😂

Wth! Why people give me their seats in the train when I am alone now? Whereas when I wear littleC with tula nobody cares? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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